Saturday 17 January 2009

The race is on...

LOL ... I've just found the news articles about the atheist bus campaign that's ruffling evangelical tail feathers.

The buses have amusing phrases on them, like "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." This became a news item when a bus driver refused to drive one of the buses, because the website name ( ) offended him.

I guess I can understand how evangelical Christians could be upset at the banners, but I just find them funny. And you can't really make exceptions ... the evangelicals have been using buses for years ... with the alpha course and banners. So why should the atheists not get a crack at it?

Interestingly enough ... people seem to be a lot more passionate about the atheist campaign than by the alpha or jesussaid campaigns. Compare with . The difference is astounding, and quite funny.

Who knows ... Perhaps this is people saying that Christianity needs to find a message that includes people, rather than attempts to scare them into submission and conformity? That the Church should focus on how it can serve people, rather than dictate to them? That Christians should not feel so threatened by people who don't conform to their method of thinking, but should be ready to share the playing field and hear (and understand) their views? That the Church is in no position to focus on how it can exclude people ... it should focus on how it can include and welcome them and celebrate their differences?

For that reason, I reckon the atheist bus campaign is a good thing. At least it encourages discussion and inclusion.

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